
Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Life's a beach!

Firstly, I want to acknowledge that this blog post is late, and offer my apologies. However, it isn't entirely my fault... I was lacking inspiration, and then there was also that time my laptop broke. Turns out my 30% working lights estimate was way high and only applies to the bathroom and hallway). 

A couple anniversaries happened since I last posted:
1.     Firstly, the 24th anniversary of my addition to the Canadian census (wait- do we even still do censuses? I'm looking at you, Harper...), which for those of you that didn't catch that... I had a birthday! I was lucky enough to be spoiled by those around me, with presents of wine*, food and specifically beignets (they know me so well already!). Beignets are essentially sugary donuts, which are widely available thanks to the many delicious boulangeries everywhere- one of the references to the history of French colonialism. These sugary delights have become my latest addiction, and I might have even gotten a beignet-tower instead of a birthday cake.....

*Also, a note the most popular wine in Cameroon is comprised of the following four ingredients: selected grape extract, water, ethyl alcohol, sugar. For reals. (see photographic evidence below).
2.     The second anniversary was my 1 Month in Cameroon! This means I am already 1/6th of the way through my internship already.... crazy!

Above: Photographic evidence of the "most popular" wine in Cameroon.

I've been getting more accustomed to life in Kribi, and I think Cameroonians here are also getting more used to me. For example, I actually had a moto-taxi driver the other day who remembered me and didn't try to rip me off!! Eureka! I was also invited over to my neighbour's place for some  traditional Cameroonian cuisine. Despite that I mentioned being vegetarian, I was served a dish of fufu and fish sauce. (I had an inkling this might happen, as vegetarian here still means you eat chicken, and fish, and shrimp, and pork etc. etc. I can't even imagine if I were vegan....). I tried to eat as much as possible so as to not offend, while still avoiding the chunky bits of fish. It didn't help that fufu (or foufou, or sometime even called cous cous) is essentially just straight gluten and makes my gag reflex kick in. In the words of other VSO volunteer Chelsea: "bonne chance, stomach, bonne chance!".
I've also been loving weekends in Kribi, which I have spent exploring the many beaches in my new neighbourhood, including Grand Batanga and Bwamba pictured below (left and right respectively).
And in between these two fantastic beaches, there happens to be some fabulous waterfalls! It's a tough life I lead, but somebody's got to do it.. right? I'm already dreading rainy season, which if the weather this morning is any indication, appears to be coming sooner than expected....

Half of the Lobe waterfalls.

But it's not all-play-and-no-work (I can dream, right?). The past couple weeks have been filled with meetings, and lucky for me... another two day workshop! This time on participatory mapping hosted by WWF- pretty cool!

Lastly, IMPORTANT question- I thought I had fixed the ability to comment on my blog, but apparently not... Is there anyone out there more tech-savvy than I to shed some light? Any advice is greatly appreciated!

À la prochain! Much love!
- C 

Friday, 12 July 2013

Kicking it in Kribi

Another week has flown by, and I am finally in Kribi, South Cameroon! We arrived late on the first night to our incredibly large (is a 2 bedroom apartment really necessary for each volunteer?), and in my case, already populated apartments. After battling with the previous tenants (a family of spiders, a couple cockroaches, and my new “pet” gecko since I can’t manage to catch the speedster), I have begun to settle in. I’m lucky to have running water and electricity that works roughly 30% of the time (the first time I plugged my fridge in, my lights went out). A few pictures of my new digs are attached below! (not pictured: second bedroom, bathroom and main living area)

Since arriving, I have spent the past few days indoors for another B-ADAPT workshop, this time with CAMAMF (Campo-Ma’an Model Forest, as opposed to FOMOD in Lomie last week). During these past two weeks, I noticed a few things about workshop etiquette in Cameroon.
·        Cell phone usage: It is perfectly acceptable to answer your phone in the middle of a workshop in Cameroon. In fact, I have even seen people who are facilitating a session, stop, answer their phone, and then proceed to talk for 10 minutes while everyone else waits. Everyone also has their phone ring on the loudest setting possible, and about 80% of Cameroonians have the same cellphone ringtone. Fantastic.
·        Siestas: It is not unusual to see someone doze off during a session. I’m not sure whether this might still be perceived as rude… but, no one seems too concerned as far as I can tell…
·        “Start” times: If you set a 9am start time for your workshop, expect participants to arrive for 10/10:30. Although you can count on everyone else to be late, it’s still necessary for facilitators to arrive on time. It’s always good to bring a book for the wait… sometimes two….
·        Hanger (hunger + anger): By far the hardest adjustment for me during the workshops, was the food! And by food, I really mean how long you have to wait before you are fed. I found the 11am coffee break and 3pm LUNCH difficult in Lomie, but Kribi was far more challenging. Our average food schedule was as follows: coffee break around 11/12, and again at 3pm, then finally a MEAL at 7PM! (I say meal since I’m not sure I consider it “lunch” at 7pm). The amount of hanger I experienced over the past few days is not even funny. 
Above: Using the "Socratic Wheel" exercise to evaluate products grown in the "grande saison" (the first growing season lasting from jan-june(ish). The "petite (and second) saison" will begin in August).  

Our workshop took place at the Palm Beach Hotel- pictured above. It was hard to be indoors with this landscape just steps away.....

After three days indoors, we headed out to the field to visit some nearby Moringa nurseries. Moringa is a type of tree which originated in India, and is harvested for a variety of purposes including medicine, and consumption. You can even apparently get moringa yogurt! (I say apparently because I am never 100% if I am hearing things correctly in French haha).
Above: teeny, tiny Moringa trees!
Above: Fellow CUSO volunteer, Abwe, explains some of the local uses for Moringa.
 Above: One happy tree hugger!
Left to RIght: Fellow CUSO volunteer, Luc, checking out the Moringa roots and tuber; Preparing Moringa trees in the Nusery; and the Bageyli village we visited to see one of the nurseries. Bageyli is minority tribe in the area, while Bantu is the dominant.

Looking forward to my first weekend exploring Kribi!
- Peace, plants and much love!

Sunday, 7 July 2013

To the end of the world and back: Lomie, Cameroon and why I'm in West Africa.

There are so many things I could write about from the past week that it was difficult to determine exactly what I should focus this blog post on. I mean, I could write about my new found appreciation for running water (let alone warm water), clean bed sheets, internet, and paved roads…. But, I’m sure a lot of you out there are wondering what exactly it is I’m doing in Cameroon!? So first and foremost, I will attempt to answer this question.
In my first post on this blog, I discussed how I am working with the Campo Ma’an Model Forest (which again, is not an actual “thing”, but more a decision making approach… just to confuse you all more!), but am working on a project called B-ADAPT: Eco-Agricultural Business for Adaptation to Changes in Climate. This is a 14 month project, financed by the Canadian International Development Agency (rest in peace, CIDA!). The first phase of the project worked with agricultural producers to increase production through improved seeds and natural bio fertilisers. It also changed planting techniques through growing specific plant species (for example, corn and peanuts) together.  
The second phase of the product is looking to create profits from the increased crop production to finance the project long-term (as the seeds and bio fertilisers are not cheap), beyond the end of the CIDA funding. This is where I come in (cue theme music)! As a Market Study and Value Chain Advisor, I will be looking at the various products, transportation chains, demands, linkages etc. and making recommendations. This work will involve me visiting and consulting with local communities, comparing product prices at different markets, conducting interviews etc. all in my broken French…. Bring on the field work!
Tomorrow, I at long-last (provided things don’t change, which it seems around here they do often!) head to Kribi where I will be living for the next 5.5 months. Stay tuned for photos from my new neighbourhood!
But, for now… here are some photos from the past week, which I spent in Lomie for a 5 day workshop for the B-Adapt project:

Enroute to Lomie, we stopped at the production site for the natural bio fertilisers. Above, millet is being planted in the prepared soil, sand, and mycelium mixture.

Above: Views in Lomie.

Above: Aysha and Luc on one of many strolls through the "neighbourhood".  
The bulk of my time in Lomie was spent inside for a five day workshop. Timeline mapping is pictured above; an activity which gave me flash backing to EAO LEAN training (eep!).  

Note: the title for this blog post comes from Suzanne's quote last week: "Going to Lomie, it's like going to the end of the world". This was said in reference to the roughly maybe ~150km from Abong Abong (where the paved road ends) to Lomie, which takes an average 5-8 hours to drive. Expect this number to increase dramatically during rainy season, as the road is basically just muddy pot holes. This results in a very isolated, but also beautiful town.

Much love!
- C